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User Calendar booked appointments

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I need some suggestions on the approaches that I can take.

I am using Bookable Resource entity to show a calendar which can display resource's availabilities. What I am trying to achieve is, along with availabilities, Can I show the scheduled events in the calendar programmatically? We do have a custom search feature that displays available resources to schedule some events(custom entity). I am trying to display these scheduled events on the Bookable Resource's calendar. I tried some code from online but they are merely updating the work hours or time off hours etc of a user's calendar. Not really what I want. So, I am looking for some suggestions on how best to proceed. 

Thanks for any help!

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: User Calendar booked appointments


    To show a custom entity in schedule board in Field service, you can refer to my answer in the following issue:

    (+) Want to Create Entity that get shown on map - Dynamics 365 Field Service Forum Community Forum

    Or refer to the following section:

    Enable an entity for scheduling in Dynamics 365 Field Service | Microsoft Docs

    If you are using the new UI, the screenshots in this document may have some discrepancies.

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