RE: Invoice contains misspelled words, words are correct in the customer information
Hi Jen,
As an aside, RM stands for Receivables Management (accounts receivable to normal folks).
I presume it is the Customer Name (and not the contact) that is 'changing'. I, like the others, would point to user error. You might be able to identify, perhaps, the user that is modifying the record by turning on Activity Tracking. Navigate to Administration | Setup | System | Activity Tracking. Select the Activity you want to track, which companies you want to track and which user(s) you want to track. I've filled in a screenshot below of what your setup might look like. I've got the 'sa' user selected, unfortunately, you have to select the users to track one at a time. It won't give you a precise answer, but it might shed light on who might be modifying the record.
To view the results, go to Administration | Inquiry | System | Activity Tracking. Use the filters to limit the amount of information that appears on screen. To purge the Activity Tracking file go to Administration | Utilities | System | Activity Detail. This deletes the selected data, you cannot retrieve it once it has been 'removed'.
Kind regards,