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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Chart of Accounts "Accounts(1)" process runs forever, app shuts down.

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We are on Great Plains version 11.00.1585.

Has anyone run into this issue?

1. User runs the “chart of accounts” report. Reports > Financial > Account. And elects to print to a file on user’s own hard drive. (Our GP app is hosted.)

2. Report runs and saves a csv file to the user’s hard drive.

3. The csv file will not open, giving an error message it cannot be accessed.

4. Apparently, the app (or db) is still running a process “Accounts(1)” which seems to run continuously nonstop after “chart of accounts” report is run. Application then slows down, about 10 seconds for each mouse click, “Accounts(1)” process never stops. And eventually application kicks the user off/out.

5. Once the GP app shuts down, user is then able to go on to his own hard drive, and open up the saved csv file which imports into Excel normally. (Thus, the db/Citrix Receiver no longer has a “lock” on the file.)

6. The above does NOT happen with other inquiries or reports (so far) that are saved to the user’s local hard drive. These other files save to the user hard drive and open up immediately into Excel no problem.



*This post is locked for comments

  • RE: Chart of Accounts "Accounts(1)" process runs forever, app shuts down.

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for your expertise and encouragement!

    Sorry for delay in responding, I got buried in meetings/emergencies/meeting/emergencies ad infinitum.

    For each report under discussion in this thread, the Report Type field is STANDARD.

    I'm not sure about the hosting/security settings, we're still looking.


  • Suggested answer
    RE: Chart of Accounts "Accounts(1)" process runs forever, app shuts down.

    1. When you open the Report > Option > Modify - look for a button DESTINATION.  In that window it will tell you STANDARD / TEMPLATE and will give you a choice of where to print - SCREEN/FILE/Printer

    2 / 3 that seems to me that there is a permission problem between the Terminal Server and the Users local drive.

    5 Challenges do crop up hosted installations - but many of the issues are related to security settings - once the conection security between the remote server and the local machines is resolved - the problems often go away.

    6 Opening and processing reports is a matter of using the options that you are creating and the printing.  Opening the Options Window allows you to filter the report each time it is created - but if there are no changes, then you can also save the report with that OPTION to your My Reports - this then presents the report on your desktop.

    Keep reading and working on the system - it will grow on you as it has on all of us.

    Good luck.

  • RE: Chart of Accounts "Accounts(1)" process runs forever, app shuts down.

    Hi Bill,

    1. How do I tell if the report I am running is TEMPLATE or STANDARD? I don't see any fields for that.

    2. When I print the Chart of Accounts report to the screen, it displays instantaneously, no problem. This is a bit faster than if I print to file. When I print to file, it takes about 20 seconds or so.

    3. I ran a Trial Balance report and printed to csv file. Same issue occurred. After about 10 minutes the background process called "Trial Balance" finished and the csv file opened up correctly no problem.

    4. So . . seems like certain reports continue running somehow, but eventually finish. While they are running, they put a burden on the database, and lock any output file put on the user's drive.

    5. Our instance of Great Plains is hosted remotely, don't know if that is affecting anything.

    6. This is my first time using Great Plains. I am getting the hang of it, but the reporting seems rather over complicated to me. Report > "Option" > Modify > Save > Run > etc.  The problem may be that I am approaching it the wrong way, and I will keep reading the manuals. Just . . seems too convoluted for basic reports like TB, COA, Aged AP, etc.



  • RE: Chart of Accounts "Accounts(1)" process runs forever, app shuts down.

    Matt, when you are running the report, can you tell me are you running TEMPLATE or STANDARD - which is then being printed directly to the File format.

    Secondly, what happens when you change the option from FILE output to SCREEN?

    Does the report generate faster?  

  • RE: Chart of Accounts "Accounts(1)" process runs forever, app shuts down.

    Hi Bill,

    Great point. Thanks. I ran (what I believe is) the standard Chart of Accounts report, but got the same issue. App slows down, and freezes up. In Process Monitor, GP indicates it is running "Posting Accounts" process. This process is "Report" type with priority 50.


  • RE: Chart of Accounts "Accounts(1)" process runs forever, app shuts down.

    Matt - just a quick question - do you know if there is any customization on the CA report?

    If so, can you go back to the 'non-modified' version of the report and see what happens then.

    Often the customization is cause of the problem.  Let us know.

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