I am using RMS at grocery store environment.
I am using a html file StoreOperation/html/drilldown.htm file for Produce items, This file comes with RMS store Operation and its in html directory.
We are using this for produce Department since produce don't have barcode.
I created a link on RHS on POS button for drilldown.htm and it shows the departments and Drill down to Category and Items.
When I choose Standard item where Item type = Standard it rings up sales correctly.
But any time if it a Weigh Item where Item type = Weighed , it suppose to get the weight from attached Scale it don't get the weight from Scale and shows Quantity 0.
But the same item if I use the PLU or Scan item for Weigh Item it get the correct Weight from the Scale.
I think some thing in this file (drilldown.htm ) and it not reading the scale and getting the weight from the Scale.
RECAP: If use the PLU or Scan item where Item type = Weighed than RMS get the correct weight in Quantity. If I use the drilldown.htm file to go to Department than Item RMS is not able to read the correct weight from Scale for that Weigh item.
Please help me fix this StoreOperation/html/drilldown.htm so when Item type = Weighed it read the correct weight from scale.
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