We are new to Dynamics SL and are still tweaking our warehouse set-up to operate according to our business needs. We are trying to determine which bin location types and sales allowed settings will best meet our needs, however I cannot seem to find good descriptions for the behavior associated with these settings. Does anyone have a good description for each of these options?
Here is an example of how we operate. We pull inventory from standard bin locations based on our picking tickets for each shipper. These items are moved to production lanes from which we ship the completed orders. We may have part of these orders staged for several days/weeks as we configure and receive items for that shipper. Sometimes, items may be pulled to go to a lab or hold/test bin location prior to being transferred to the production lane.
We would like to configure our bin locations according to the following rules:
- Production lanes - If an item has been transferred to a production lane, it will not be available for picking, but will be available for shipping (confirment shipper/run sales journal). Right now, when new shippers are created, picking sheets will be generated that direct us to pull from our production lane bin locations. Also, we need to make sure that this inventory value is still included for our financial reports and that we are able to conduct physical counts on these bin locations. We would like our lab and hold/test bin locations to operate in the same manner.
- Standard bin locations - We want to generate pick sheets that direct us to these locations to pull the orders, and need to be able to transfer them to the production lane bin locations. We do not want to ship from these locations when we confirm picking/shipment. Everything should ship from the production lane bin locations. The ability to transfer these items is important - right now we are having issues when we only have a couple items on hand and we cannot transfer them to the production lane bin locations because the quanity available will go negative (not qty on hand).
Any suggestions or details related to bin location types would be greatly appreciated.
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