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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...

Drop shipment with prepayment - error when posting Salesinvoice

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Posted on by 32
We are on BC Application  Version 24.2.20227.20460
Has set up a Drop shipment with prepayment 30% on both sales order and purchase order. 
Prepayment invoices are paid and closed.

Forgot that it was Drop shipment so made a purchase receipt on the purchase order.... created a sales invoice and picked up 
the sales delivery and here I am stuck when posting the Salesinvoice
Error message:
The total Prepayment amount, which is deducted excl. VAT must be at least 300.
Have checked that the amount of prepayment invoices matches the % indicated on the sales order and purchase order.
Cannot cancel purchase receipt lines or sales delivery lines.
Any idea what to look for.
  • Groefte Profile Picture
    Groefte 32 on at
    Drop shipment with prepayment - error when posting Salesinvoice
    Have tried in exactly the same way as you have - unfortunately I got the same error result:
    The total Prepayment amount, which is deducted excl. VAT must be at least 300.

    Then I tried to execute a scenario in the order we normally execute for a drop shipment
    Create Sales Order, set as drop ship, set 30% prepayment, post prepayment Invoice.
    Create Purchase Order, set Sell-to as the drop ship cust, set 30% prepayment, post prepayment invoice.
    post - Payment
    Post SI directly from SO or post a delivery and Draft an SI, set cust, get shipment lines - post .. then it works both ways - no errors
    So the errors appear when you start with Post - Receive on the PO.
    But still have a posted receipt from the purchase order and a posted delivery from the sales order - from my very first attempt - that I cannot cancel or post.
    If anyone has an idea "how to" with posted delivery/receipt it would be appreciated

  • Groefte Profile Picture
    Groefte 32 on at
    Drop shipment with prepayment - error when posting Salesinvoice
    Thank you very much for reaching out to help.

    The difference is that you released SO and PO after posting prepayment invoices - I posted payments, otherwise everything else was done in exactly the same order.

    I will try doing it your way and see if it makes a difference.
    (Are we on the same BC version (Version 24.1.18927.19282))

    I can see that we received an update to Version 24.2.20227.20460 this morning.
  • Andy Wingate Profile Picture
    Andy Wingate 318 on at
    Drop shipment with prepayment - error when posting Salesinvoice
    I have tried to re-create your error - but it's all working for me - here are the exact steps i took - what did I do differently from you?
    Create Sales Order, set as drop ship, set 30% prepayment, post prepayment Invoice.
    Create Purchase Order, set Sell-to as the drop ship cust, set 30% prepayment, post prepayment.
    Post - Receive on the PO
    Draft an SI, set cust, get shipment lines - post 
    Here is a short vid of my steps:
    Hope that helps!
  • Groefte Profile Picture
    Groefte 32 on at
    Drop shipment with prepayment - error when posting Salesinvoice
    Have recreated above scenario in our demo company and the same error result appears.

    If I run a test report on the sales invoice, there is no error message and the prepaid amount appears correctly and is deducted.

    If I run preview posting the error appears
    Error message:
    The total Prepayment amount, which is deducted excl. VAT must be at least 300.
    Any help will be appreciated - thank you.

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