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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Looking for the correct SDK for my current Dynamic 365 Trial version

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I just created my Dynamic 365 trial version yesterday, not sure the version of it, Now I want to download SDK against it.

I did some searches, it seems each CRM version must be using their associated SDK version, otherwise, it is not compatible.

Does anybody know what is the correct SDK version against the current Dynamic 365 in the market?


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  • Peter Cong Profile Picture
    Peter Cong 137 on at
    RE: Looking for the correct SDK for my current Dynamic 365 Trial version

    Thank you so much, Kokuklan, much appreciated, your response helps a lot, since I am just starting learning CRM, so I am overwhelmed.

    There are a lot of things I have to know and learn, right now, I am following this tutorial:

    I appreciate if you can give me some more good online tutorials or PDF books, so I can start from it quickly, from easy to complicated ones, such as Learn CRM in 24 days etc.

    again thank you for your help,

  • Verified answer
    Kokulan Profile Picture
    Kokulan 18,052 on at
    RE: Looking for the correct SDK for my current Dynamic 365 Trial version

    So the SDK actually is composed of these 5 folders contents? can I ask what is the purpose of each folder? and when to the user each of them?

    SDK is composed of these tools you downloaded + Assemblies that you can add to your projects from nuget packages list in the link I gave in my previous response. I am including the assemblies details again just in case you have not seen them in that link.


    These nuget packages you only need when you are developing a custom application or website/api that communicates to CRM.  Let's say you are creating a console application that creates records in CRM. For these console application to talk to CRM, it needs references to CRM SDK DLLs, and these DLLs can be added via nuget packages.

    When you create a plugin/workflow, if you are using the Developer Toolkit I mentioned, before, it will automatically add the CRM SDK DLL references, you do not have to reference them. When you create a project from the template it will add CRM SDK references for you.


    The tools folders actually have the DLLs, you can add references them in your project directly but nuget package is the recommended approach. so I would recommend you if you are developing any custom application that communicates to CRM using SDK assemblies, uses the nuget packages instead referencing assemblies from these folders.



    Please follow the links below to know about these tools

    Configuration Migration tool: To export and import data


    CrmSvcUtil : To generate early bound classes for CRM Entities


    Package Deployer : Used for deploying packages - a package can contain solutions, configuration data and html content for deployment process.

    Plugin Registration Tool :  To register and debug plugins and workflows

    Solution Packager Tool:  Is used to De-Compose CRM Solution into multiple XML files for source control purposes and then Compose a solution file from XMLs to deploy to CRM.

  • Peter Cong Profile Picture
    Peter Cong 137 on at
    RE: Looking for the correct SDK for my current Dynamic 365 Trial version

    Thanks for your quick response,

    So I have just run the 6 scripts under PowerShells, and I got the 5 folders as yours created under Tools folder,

    So the SDK actually is composed of these 5 folders contents? can I ask what is the purpose of each folder? and when to user each of them?

    For example, I am just following a tutorial to learn CRM and creating a plugin, and I need to add Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk as reference to my .class build in Visual Studio, should I just look for each folder and add this assembly from one of these folder?

    I just checked each folder, it seems each of them contains Microsoft.Xem.Sdk.dll, are they same to existed in each folder? so I add any of them should be OK?

    basically, I want to know how to use these 5 folders after downloaded?

  • Suggested answer
    Kokulan Profile Picture
    Kokulan 18,052 on at
    RE: Looking for the correct SDK for my current Dynamic 365 Trial version

    1. The Microsoft Dynamic 365 Toolkit is only used for Plug in deployment from Visual Studio to CRM, right?  it does not include SDK, right?

    Yes thats correct, the developer toolkit is not included in the SDK anymore. In older versions of CRM the developer toolkit was included in the SDK but not in the newer versions.

    You can use the Developer toolkit to create CRM Plugin/Workflow/other types of projects and solutions in visual studio and allows you to deploy to CRM directly from Visual Studio. 

     Microsoft Dynamic 365 Toolkit is not the  "Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Software Development Kit (SDK)" as I listed the URL below?

    I also found this site for download SDK, which doesn't need to run the script, I guess this is ONLY SDK, could you confirm?

    No, the link you have given here is the link for SDK download for CRM 2015 but you have signed up for Trial Online which is Version 9. For V9 the SDK download is different as I have explained in my previous posts. 

    To answer your question on if you need to run the script, script-based download only introduced for Version 9. For all the older versions, you normally have to download the SDK like the link you have given  for 2015 SDK

    2. Does the SDK include all 6 scripts run results (6 folders)? or only the second script is the SDK, and other 5 scripts are the other tools?

    The Term SDK normally refers to  Assemblies (CRM DLLs) and the Tools.  When you run the powershell script it will download the following tools only


    To download the tools, yes you have to run the whole script. What I normally do is, Open PowerShell ISE in windows, as shown below and click run


    Copy and paste the script and click run


    Once the script completes executing, if you did not change the default folder, it would have created Tools folder in your AppData folder and there you will have these tools downloaded


  • Peter Cong Profile Picture
    Peter Cong 137 on at
    RE: Looking for the correct SDK for my current Dynamic 365 Trial version

    Hi Kokulan,

    Sorry, I am a bit of confused, and just want to clarify:

    1. The Microsoft Dynamic 365 Toolkit is only used for Plug in deployment from Visual Studio to CRM, right?  it is not include SDK, right?

     Microsoft Dynamic 365 Toolkit is not the  "Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Software Development Kit (SDK)" as I listed the URL blow ?

    2. Does the SDK include all 6 scripts run results (6 folders)? or only the second script is the SDK, and other 5 scripts are the other tools?

    I also found this site for download SDK, which doesn't need to run the script, I guess this is ONLY SDK, could you confirm?

    Thanks a lot,

  • Suggested answer
    Kokulan Profile Picture
    Kokulan 18,052 on at
    RE: Looking for the correct SDK for my current Dynamic 365 Trial version

    Officially the extension Microsoft Dynamics 365 Developer Toolkit only supports upto VS2015, so you have the right version of VS.

    You won't be able to download the Extension (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Developer Toolkit) as a nuget package, you can either download and install the VSIX file or you can directly install from VS as shown below



    To answer your this question "I assume I don't need to run those 6 powershell scripts you mentioned before, right? so this one step download in visual studio will work for all , right?" 

    I would recommend you still download using powershell as well. Powershell downloads give you the following tools which you will not get by installing the above VS extension.  Plugin Registration tool is very handy to Debug a plugin or workflow CRM Online so you definitely need that. And its got a data migration tool that helps you to export and import data from environments. 

  • Peter Cong Profile Picture
    Peter Cong 137 on at
    RE: Looking for the correct SDK for my current Dynamic 365 Trial version

    [quote user="Kokulan"]

    For latest version of CRM, you have to use the following Toolkit if you are using Visual Studio for development of  Plugin/Workflows, or even Javascript/HTML

    Microsoft Dynamics 365 Developer Toolkit - Visual Studio Marketplace
    Extension for Visual Studio - Dynamics 365 Developer Toolkit for Visual Studio

    Once you installed this Extension, in Visual Studio you get the following project templates


    This extension allows you to develop and deploy directly from Visual Studio.


    yes, I am using Visual Studio for CRM development (Plugin/Workflows and JavaScript/HTML), Right now, my Visual Studio version is 2015, is that compatible for the latest version of CRM? can I download it from nuget package through Visual Studio ? if I download this way, I assume I don't need to run those 6 powershell scripts you mentioned before, right? so this one step download in visual studio will work for all , right?

  • Suggested answer
    Kokulan Profile Picture
    Kokulan 18,052 on at
    RE: Looking for the correct SDK for my current Dynamic 365 Trial version

    For latest version of CRM, you have to use the following Toolkit if you are using Visual Studio for development of  Plugin/Workflows, or even Javascript/HTML


    Once you installed this Extension, in Visual Studio you get the following project templates


    This extension allows you to develop and deploy directly from Visual Studio.

  • Peter Cong Profile Picture
    Peter Cong 137 on at
    RE: Looking for the correct SDK for my current Dynamic 365 Trial version

    thanks a lot for your quick response with the details explanation, much appreciated!!!

    As I mentioned above, I am a newbie in CRM, I don't know any tools or plug-ins required for CRM development, I study from the internet, only know SDK is required, do not any other tools.

    I assume those 6 powshell scripts are used for SDK tool.

    What other tools are required for CRM development?

  • Suggested answer
    Kokulan Profile Picture
    Kokulan 18,052 on at
    RE: Looking for the correct SDK for my current Dynamic 365 Trial version


    The page is updated in 2017 that's correct but when you run the script, it will download the latest version of the tool via nuget packages. As far as I know, there is no other SDK download option for V9.

    Please see below compared to previous versions of SDK download, you can see you get a different structure for V9 and V9 the link I have given above always downloads the latest


    May I now what you are downloading this tools for, if its for using Plugin Registration tool and other tools in the download then that's fine its the correct download.

    Let's say you are creating a Console/Windows application or a Web Site/API, you can still use the DLLs from lets say plugin registration folder but its recommended that you use nuget package versions of these DLLs as it's easy to upgrade and manage. Again for nuget packages of SDK DLLs, please refer to the link i posted in my previous post

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