RE: Project Account cost category class integration
I'm struggling with the same issue, cost categories. However, I don't want to update Cost Categories, I want to extract them, preferably via the WCF EndPoint from DynamicsGP Web Services. The other things I've noticed, is that the sample data that comes with Dynamics2013, the Fabrikam, Inc. company, does NOT have a PA01001 table, but inside dynamics, there are cost categories defined. So there is another table, where cost categories are stored, that seems based on the industry type that was selected during the creation of the company file where the default chart of accounts was setup -
So here are my questions:
1. Is there a way to get a list of cost categories from the WCF end point? If there is, its not intuitive.
2. If there is a way to get Cost Categories, does that way of getting the cost categories from WCF have any dependencies on Industry type? If there is a dependency on industry type, how to get that from WCF?
3. As mentioned above, there isn't an intuitive schema inside eConnect either, so that means going with SQL via a ODBC connection if there isn't a WCF way to get cost categories, but then the PA01001 table may not be present, so what would be the other table where cost category is stored and what is the condition to determine that?
Any Help Greatly Appreciated!