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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Project Account cost category class integration

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We want to change the cost category class on pretty much all cost categories in the system.  Reason being to run reports based on cost category class and to start using the class in the future when setting up new cost categories.  I'm not seeing how this can be done via integration manager.  Am I missing something?  If it cannot be done through integration manager, is there another way to update the class? 

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Project Account cost category class integration

    I am looking for the same instructions.  It would seem that it should be a standard integration where you could download from smartlist your chart of accounts including whatever fields are in the "canned" integration, then export it and save it as a .csv file and then integrate the changes back into the chart of accounts.  I see that you can create this from scratch but this seems like something many people would need?  

  • BCSATXMatt Profile Picture
    BCSATXMatt 210 on at
    RE: Project Account cost category class integration


    I'm struggling with the same issue, cost categories.  However, I don't want to update Cost Categories, I want to extract them, preferably via the WCF EndPoint from DynamicsGP Web Services.  The other things I've noticed, is that the sample data that comes with Dynamics2013, the Fabrikam, Inc. company, does NOT have a PA01001 table, but inside dynamics, there are cost categories defined.  So there is another table, where cost categories are stored, that seems based on the industry type that was selected during the creation of the company file where the default chart of accounts was setup -  

    So here are my questions:

    1.  Is there a way to get a list of cost categories from the WCF end point?  If there is, its not intuitive.  

    2.  If there is a way to get Cost Categories, does that way of getting the cost categories from WCF have any dependencies on Industry type?  If there is a dependency on industry type, how to get that from WCF?

    3.  As mentioned above, there isn't an intuitive schema inside eConnect either, so that means going with SQL via a ODBC connection if there isn't a WCF way to get cost categories, but then the PA01001 table may not be present, so what would be the other table where cost category is stored and what is the condition to determine that?

    Any Help Greatly Appreciated!

  • David Bader Profile Picture
    David Bader on at
    Re: Project Account cost category class integration

    Hi Jennifer,

    Integration Manager does not allow you to make changes to Project Accounting. The only thing available in IM is to import Timesheets and Expense.

    I looked at eConnect but there is not a schema for Cost Categories so that would not be an option either.

    If you have existing Cost Categories and need to assign the same Class to multiples you could use a statement to update the Cost Category Master.

    update PA01001 set PACOSTCATCLASID = [new value] where PACOSTCATID in ('xx','yy','zz',...........)

    You would need to replace the variables with the correct Cost Categories.

    This will update the Cost Categories at the setup level going forward. This would not affect existing Cost Categories that are assigned to a Project unless you are pulling accounts from the Cost Category Setup and those were changed with the new class.

    I hope this information is helpful to you. Please post back if we can be of further assistance.

    Have a great day!

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