Hi all,
We produce a product in 80 different colours, for which we created 1 item with 80 variants. The colours (variants) are shown on the webshop as "black", "white",... but need to be shown on the production order as colour codes "546484542", '4848452',... I solved this by mapping these in the variant, for example:
- Item nr "1234" with description "door" and description2 "wooden door".
- variant code "9008"
- variant description "black"
- variant description 2 "546484542"
For this variant, an SKU is created to know how much we have in stock. The "description" & "description2" are taken from item nr "1234".
If I create a production order, the "546484542" is correctly shown in the production order & layout.
The problem:
If I create a sales order for this item and transform this into a production order, the description2 is taken from the SKU and not from the variant.
This means that it shows "wooden door" instead of "546484542" on the production order & layout, which is not what we need.
How can I solve this? Thanks!