RE: migrating from FRx to Management reporter with different segments - work around solution
I would suggest handling the upgrades of the companies and respective reports in stages in FRx and Management Reporter. Basically perform two separate migrations.
Please refer to the Migration Manual...
First, make a back up of everything in FRx.
I would then export all of the Building Blocks for Company A to one TDB file and all of the Building Blocks for Company B to another. Remove the report building blocks for Company B from FRx.
Follow the Migration instructions to migrate Company A reports from FRx to Management Reporter. Test Company A's reports in Management Reporter.
Export Company A's report Building Blocks to a Management Reporter TDBX file from Management Reporter. Remove Company A's Building Blocks from Management Reporter (not sure if this is necessary).
Now go back to FRx, Remove Company A report Building Blocks and import Company B's Building Blocks from the Company B FRx TDB file you created earlier.
Run the FRx to Management Reporter migration wizard. Test Company B's reports in Management Reporter.
Import Company A's Building Blocks into Management Reporter, if you chose to remove them previously.