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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

migrating from FRx to Management reporter with different segments - work around solution

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


Does anyone has work around solution for migrating from FRx to Management reporter with different segments ? For example, one company has division-account-department, another company has division-department-account-cost center.


Kevin Li 

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: migrating from FRx to Management reporter with different segments - work around solution

    I will try it, thanks a lot, Harry !

  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: migrating from FRx to Management reporter with different segments - work around solution

    Bill -

    You should be able to do your FRx migration in one step if all of your companies are using the same building blocks. You may encounter errors if segments are defined differently in any of the companies (i.e. Dept vs. Department, Acct vs. Main, etc.)

  • RE: migrating from FRx to Management reporter with different segments - work around solution

    Side Question

    If all my companies use the same Row / Column definitions in FRx right now and all have a similar account format but all companies stand a lone and there is no consolidation required - my question is -

    Do I need to export each one of the companies and do an FRx Migration Per company (there are 15 companies) or can I do the FRx to MR Migration in one step?

  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: migrating from FRx to Management reporter with different segments - work around solution


    I would suggest handling the upgrades of the companies and respective reports in stages in FRx and Management Reporter. Basically perform two separate migrations.

    Please refer to the Migration Manual...

    First, make a back up of everything in FRx.

    I would then export all of the Building Blocks for Company A to one TDB file and all of the Building Blocks for Company B to another. Remove the report building blocks for Company B from FRx.

    Follow the Migration instructions to migrate Company A reports from FRx to Management Reporter. Test Company A's reports in Management Reporter.

    Export Company A's report Building Blocks to a Management Reporter TDBX file from Management Reporter. Remove Company A's Building Blocks from Management Reporter (not sure if this is necessary).

    Now go back to FRx, Remove Company A report Building Blocks and import Company B's Building Blocks from the Company B FRx TDB file you created earlier.

    Run the FRx to Management Reporter migration wizard. Test Company B's reports in Management Reporter.

    Import Company A's Building Blocks into Management Reporter, if you chose to remove them previously.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: migrating from FRx to Management reporter with different segments - work around solution

    Thank Harry and Mahmoud,

    There is no consolidation being done across the companies, each company is a stand alone company.

    I would like to know any work around to be able to migrate the existing FRx reports using the account formats in place.


    Kevin Li

  • Suggested answer
    Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,738 on at
    RE: migrating from FRx to Management reporter with different segments - work around solution

    I definitely agree with Harry about having a chance to look back at the various charts and consider consistent segmentation across them all. If that was possible and doable, you may need to take a look at Reshuffling your account structure.

    Although, if that was not possible, you can still build consolidated financial reports which could be a bit more difficult and complex, for that you need to review those dedicated article for building consolidated financial reports for companies with different chart of accounts:

    Let us know if you do have any further inquiries,

  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: migrating from FRx to Management reporter with different segments - work around solution


    Have you considered using the Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) to change the Chart of Account format in the databases to match. This would likely make financial consolidations more practical with FRx or Management Reporter.

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