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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

For any Crystal gurus out there: I have a Crystal question. How to change a Crystal Database Source

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi All,

For any Crystal gurus out there: I have a Crystal question. How to change a Crystal Database Source

I have a report that runs off of a store procedure in our company database. We recently upgraded to a new SQL server and the company database is now located on another machine. I want to change the database source in the Crystal report, but I am not sure how to. Anyone able to help? Here are the screenshots:


Note: old SQL server = PASQL04; old company database = GOLD, stored proc = csp_HG_TimeBilledToJob. The new server name is Dynamics GP 2015. The company data base and stored proc names are the same.


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  • Jen Kuntz Profile Picture
    Jen Kuntz 3,220 on at
    RE: For any Crystal gurus out there: I have a Crystal question. How to change a Crystal Database Source

    I don't have Crystal in front of me to provide exact instructions but this is the gist, hopefully this gets you going!

    Under Data (I think) in Crystal, there is an option called Set Datasource Location. Open that window.

    Basically the top half is your data sources now which will be a list of tables or in your case it might just list the stored procedure.

    The bottom half of the window is the data sources options. Assuming you are using an ODBC connection, you will want to look in the bottom half for ODBC/RAO, expand it or create a new connection and it should prompt you to select one of the ODBC connections on your computer, and possibly as you to provide login credentials if it doesn't use Windows logins.

    After you're done that, you should be able to expand that connection in the bottom half of the window to eventually see tables, views and stored procedures. Find your stored procedure on the bottom, click on it, then on the top half of the window, click on the same stored procedure, and click Set Location (I think that is what it is called, a button on the right hand side).

    You do this matching thing for each table/view/stored procedure on the report now, until you have "mapped" everything to the new datasource location.  That should be all you have to do.

    Hope that helps!


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