Please read the issue info from MS for one of our customers, and see if it applies to yours:
After reviewing all of the information that you have provided within the .rar file I was able to confirm that the “Closing Balances” are correct for the accounts that have been experiencing the issues. We then talked about what the difference is between the “Closing Balances” and “Balance” fields represented within the account receivables windows. I was able to explain to you that the follow can be found within the help files in both HQ and RMS:
“Account type: Specifies the type of account (e.g., Revolving Charge Account; Preferred Customer, etc.) the customer will use. Use the Account Types menu option to define your store's account types. If desired, you can create a default account type for new customers by going to the File menu, clicking Configuration, clicking the Accounts tab, and selecting the default account type.
Account opened: Displays the date when the customer account was created.
Credit limit: The maximum amount the customer may charge on the credit account. If the new charge amount causes the customer to exceed this limit, Store Operations will display a warning at the POS.
Balance: Displays the current account balance.
Available credit: Displays the customer's available credit. It is the difference between the Credit Limit and Balance.
Assess finance charges: If selected, Headquarters will calculate finance charges for the customer's account.
Closing date: Displays the date that the billing cycle was last closed.
Closing balance: The customer's balance at the time the billing cycle was closed.
Activity/Receivables button: Click Activity to display the customer's account history and running balance. Click Receivables to display the customer's account receivables and the balance due for each invoice”
I was explain to you that as long as the “Closing Balances” are the same at both HQ and at the Store locations then your customers are keeping up properly on the monthly updates to the customers’ accounts regarding the account receivables.
HOWEVER, I was able to explain to you that the “Balances” field is always going to change. This is because the “Balance” is updated every time a 401 worksheet is ran to HQ from the stores. What your customer needs to keep in mind is that the “Balances” will never match if there is local credits still pending to a customer’s account.
If there is even 1 single local credit pending the “Balances” will never be the same. I also informed you that if your customer is doing manual changes to the customers’ accounts the “Balances” can also get effected. After explaining this information you understood that your customer should be primarily concerned that the “Closing Balances” match at the end of each month as this will indicate that RMS in general is detecting the balance information correctly.