Today we have an old NAV version, 2011 and we are now changing to Business Central.
In NAV when we import an item with the configuration packages (rapid start) in the item table 27, the base unit of measure automatically is set up in the Item unit of measure table 5404, and also the Sales unit of measure & Purchase unit of measure on the item card is automatically filled in based on the Base unit of measure on the item card.
This works also in Business Central when I set up an item manually, but when I try to import one with the configuration packages (rapid start), it doesnt work. I get no line in the Item unit of measure table 5404 and the fileds Sales unit of measure & Purchase unit of measure on the item card remains blank.
I think that there might be something that we missed in the setup that fixes this issue?
Any ideas?
Unfortunatelly our BC consultants doesn't have a clue ablut this even though they alsop set up our NAV originally.
Best regards Fredrik Söderholm Pettersson (not a developer, only super user)