Hi guys,
in our GP instance we have the policy for CreatesPayblesInvoices to automatically create distribution lines. Now, when we use the web service to create a PayablesInvoice , we add the lines from the invoice creating a distribution list attached to the PayablesInvoice object. The web service flies through reaches the web services, BUT, we can see the invoice registered and in the distributions lines screen apart from the distributions we have we have an extra line with empty CoA but has a Credit value equal to the sum of the lines which is equal to the header of the invoice. Later on looking at the total Credit amount it's double the original as GP ads the previous line + the new empty one and of course the credit and debit lines automatically. Is there a configuration on which the Credit line will not be there.If the line can't be avoided, as the policy of the GP for creates Payables Invoice indicates so, how can we say that at the end the sum of the Credit is only the sum of the credit line and not that of the credit line and the distributions added to it. Thanks for supporting is rather urgent to have a first feedback.
best regards
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