I created a new CRM Online organisation with new Office 365 accounts (onmicrosoft.com) and C# client code to create/connect to the OrganistionService does not work
I am receiving an error stating that identityProvider is null in an internal SDK method
The plugin registration tool in the SDK connects to the CRM organisation, but none of the SDK sample code will connect
I have tried to connect using several methods
1. The connection string sample code project "QuickStart with Simplified Connection" in(SDK\SampleCode\CS\QuickStart)
2. The WPF Client sample code project "QuickStartXRMToolingWPFClient" in (SDK\SampleCode\CS\XRMTooling\QuickStartXRMToolingWPFClient)
3. My Dev Tool on GitHub - this connects initially to the discovery service which appears to be the point the error is thrown https://github.com/josephmcmac/XRM-Developer-Tool (CRM-SDK-8.2 branch)
Has anyone else received this error and know how to fix it?
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