Hello Community,
I have a use case where one barrel of alcohol is broken down in e.g. four smaller barrels, and for this I am using assembly orders. The challenge here is that the smaller barrels (assembled items) are more to be treated as individual items. With assembly orders, the output is one Item and four in stock count. During the barrels lifetime (maturation) it should be possible to note down individual measurements, for which I have a customisation and add individual pictures etc.
My thoughts are going in different directions and your input would be very helpful. So far I am considering the following solutions:
- Use multiple assembly orders, in the case above, four. Each assembly order has then one fourth of the original barrel. The administration overhead is quite high and could be solved with configuration packages. The challenge also comes in other use cases, where filling new make sprits in bulk into e.g. 100 barrels or more
- Use one assembly order and afterwards split the items into individual items. For this a customisation would be needed i assume? And gets tricky when it is an already an assembled item.
- Use item variants but does not fulfil my use case as I see it currently.
Does anyone of you have any tips or other suggestions to point me in the right direction?
Thank you in advance for your input.