When entering a Check into the Cash Receipts window, they apply it to several invoices, and then attempt to save it to the batch they just created. It does nothing.
I checked Distributions - the cash account was missing, which usually triggers an error on attempting to save it - that error never occurred.
I have duplicated this on the users machined (restarted GP), and on my machined (as an admin).
I turned on script logging before I choose to save and came up with the following:
'rvlrmPmntDocCashReceiptsUpdateRecords()', 0
'Create() of form rvlsyPmntDocSETP', 0, 0-, table 'rvlsyPmntDocSETP', 1
'Exists() of form rvlsyPmntDocSETP', 0, 1-, 1
'SetIdxID of form rvlsyPmntDocSETP', 1-, 1, 1
'Get() of form rvlsyPmntDocSETP', 0, 1-, 15
'Get() of form [713]', 0, 1-, table 'rvlsyPmntDocSETP', 15
'SetIdxID of form rvlsyPmntDocSETP', 1-, 1, 1
'GetEnablePmntDocRM() of form rvlsyPmntDocSETP', 0, 1-
'Destroy of form rvlsyPmntDocSETP', 1-
'rvlrmPmntDocCashReceiptsUpdateKey()', 0
'Create() of form rvlrmPmntDocKeysMSTR', 0, 0-, table 'rvlrmPmntDocKeysMSTR', 1
'SetIdxID of form rvlrmPmntDocKeysMSTR', 1-, 9, "PYMNT00000076603", 1
'Get() of form rvlrmPmntDocKeysMSTR', 0, 1-, 25
'Get() of form [713]', 0, 1-, table 'rvlrmPmntDocKeysMSTR', 25
'SetBatchSource of form rvlrmPmntDocKeysMSTR', 1-, "RM_Cash"
'Commit() of form rvlrmPmntDocKeysMSTR', 0, 1-
'Destroy of form rvlrmPmntDocKeysMSTR', 1-
'rvlrmPmntDocCashReceiptsUpdateWORK()', 0
'rvlsyPmntDocVerifyCheckbookCurrency()', 0, "CHA", "", 0
'SQLPath', 2150, 2, 0, ""
'Create() of form rvlrmPmntDocWORK', 0, 0-, table 'rvlrmPmntDocWORK', 1
'SetIdxID of form rvlrmPmntDocWORK', 1-, 9, "PYMNT00000076603", 1
'Get() of form rvlrmPmntDocWORK', 0, 1-, 25
'Get() of form [713]', 0, 1-, table 'rvlrmPmntDocWORK', 25
'rvlrmPmntDocGetDefaultCustPmntDocID()', "", "CITI001"
'Create() of form rvlrmPmntDocCustMSTR', 0, 0-, table 'rvlrmPmntDocCustMSTR', 1
'SetIdxID of form rvlrmPmntDocCustMSTR', 1-, "CITI001", 1
'Get() of form rvlrmPmntDocCustMSTR', 0, 1-, 15
'Get() of form [713]', 0, 1-, table 'rvlrmPmntDocCustMSTR', 15
'Destroy of form rvlrmPmntDocCustMSTR', 1-
'Create() of form rvlrmPmntDocMSTR', 0, 0-, table 'rvlrmPmntDocMSTR', 1
'SetIdxID of form rvlrmPmntDocMSTR', 1-, "STANDARD CHECK", 1
'Get() of form rvlrmPmntDocMSTR', 0, 1-, 15
'Get() of form [713]', 0, 1-, table 'rvlrmPmntDocMSTR', 15
'Destroy of form rvlrmPmntDocMSTR', 1-
'Destroy of form rvlrmPmntDocWORK', 1-
How can I fix this?
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