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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Invoice Printing on a duplicated form

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Posted on by 212

I have duplicated the invoice "Other" form and would like to a set of invoices to be printed on this form but it is not available for selection when I am printing invoices.

How do I make the new form available for a specific type of invoices and so make it the default when printing these invoices?

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  • Suggested answer
    RE: Invoice Printing on a duplicated form

    Jackie, I have to agree with Tristan on this - you are allowed to have Original and 1 modified report.  Sort of sucks, but that is the current limitation of the reporting system.

    In the past I have had to have up to 4 REPORTS.dic files created all with various verisions of the modifications - mostly it was due to the printing of logos for the various companies.

    Thanks to the Templates that is not as big of an issue.

    But back to the old days - we then would create 4 different launch files pointing to the 4 different REPORT dictionary files - that way if I needed to work and produce INVOICE for COMPANY 1 - I launched SET1

    It was a workable solution - but - there were challanges and update issues.  It did / does work.

    Good luck.

  • Suggested answer
    Tristan Clores Profile Picture
    Tristan Clores 2,812 on at
    RE: Invoice Printing on a duplicated form

    Hi Jackie,

    No this is not possible, the system will only use one modified version of each form.  You can have multiple copies of a modified form but you can only use the original (modified one).

    An alternative you can do is to use multiple Reports.dic files.  However, this requires a bit of strategic planning.  

    1.  Make a copy of your current Reports.dic file then save it to a network folder.  

    2.  Modify the current Other Invoice Form (which is the modification you did to your copied version). Save the changes.  Save the Reports.dic file to a new network folder (different from that on #1)

    With this, you now have 1 Reports.dic file that has the 1st version of the report, and 1 that has the new version.

    Whenever your user needs to print using version #2, you just need to have them change where their reports.dic file is pulling from.

    Again, this is a tricky alternative but it works.

  • Jackie McNab Profile Picture
    Jackie McNab 212 on at
    RE: Invoice Printing on a duplicated form

    Hi Tristan,

    Thanks for your response.

    I made a copy of my already modified invoice form in Report Writer.  All the canned forms have already been modified and are being used.

    I understand what you are saying and these invoices are using an invoice type but the duplicated invoice form is not displayed when I am setting up the invoice type.  I am only seeing the four standard types delivered by GP.

    I was hoping to be able to access this latest form from within GP, the same as I do for all the other modified ones.  Is this possible?

  • Verified answer
    Tristan Clores Profile Picture
    Tristan Clores 2,812 on at
    RE: Invoice Printing on a duplicated form

    Hi Jackie,

    When you say you duplicated this form, you mean you made a copy of the existing modified report in Report Writer? Or did you just modify the Invoice Other form?

    For my 1st question, the system will require you to enter a new name for the duplicate.  This duplicate will not be available for you to use in GP.

    For my 2nd question, you will need to provide access to the modified report in order for your user to use it.

    If you want specific invoices to print to your modified report, you will need these invoices to use a specific Invoice Type (upon creation of the invoice) then set the Invoice Type to print the Other Invoice Form.  

    For the rest of your invoices, they need to be using your regular Invoice Type that uses let say the Blank Invoice Form (which may be using the canned GP report).

    Let me know if this makes sense for you.

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