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Portal language change in event page

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Hi All

I have an issue with the languageselector in the event portal

Can someone check if this happens also in the OOB eventportal

When I select a language in the dropdown when you are at an event page it is redirecting to home

I have looked at the liquid code of the template and it is this code wich is the issue

<a _ngcontent-phm-c1="" class="dropdown-item" href="#">


In the template we see in the code the following 

<ul class='navbar-nav ml-auto'>
            <li class="nav-item dropdown text-nowrap" *ngIf="showLanguageDropdown">
                <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#" id="languages-dropdown" role="button">
                    <span [appTranslate]="'ChangeLanguage'">Change Language</span>

                <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right pre-scrollable">
                    <li class='nav-item' (click)="supportedLanguageChanged(supportedLanguage.lcid);" *ngFor="let supportedLanguage of supportedLanguages$ | async" >
                                <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">

support is now saying we did change someting but we did not

Has someone a suggestion how we can Fix this ?
  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Portal language change in event page


    Yes, I am facing the same problem.

    The href tag cannot simply be modified to a fixed value, as some information on the events page is displayed based on the event id contained in the URL. But according to my tests deleting it will keep the current page.


    You can post your proposal on the Ideas forum to improve it.


    If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.

    Best Regards,


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