My services which were once up and running are now logging the following on startup in GPService_Info.log. Not sure what has changed. Any suggestions on how to track down and resolve?
2015-03-10_06:57:52.756 (I) --> CurrentTenant :: TenantName:[DefaultTenant], Instance:[DEFAULT], IsActive:[True]
2015-03-10_06:57:52.760 (I) --> StartupActionStop :: Description:[Get Tenants], ElapsedMs:[310]
2015-03-10_06:57:52.760 (I) --> StartupActionStart :: Description:[Get Host Status]
2015-03-10_06:57:57.110 (E) --> InternalManagementCallError :: CallId:[1], Uri:[http://v-XXXXX:48665/Control/Management/HostStatus], Method:[GET], OuterCode:[404], InnerCode:[200], InnerError:[An error occurred while sending the request. -- Unable to connect to the remote server], ElapsedMs:[4319]
2015-03-10_06:57:57.119 (I) --> StartupActionStop :: Description:[Get Host Status], ElapsedMs:[4368]
2015-03-10_06:57:57.119 (I) --> StartupActionStart :: Description:[Get Azure Tenants]
2015-03-10_06:57:57.129 (I) --> StartupActionStop :: Description:[Get Azure Tenants], ElapsedMs:[9]
2015-03-10_06:57:57.129 (I) --> StartupActionStart :: Description:[Get CORS Allowed Origins]
2015-03-10_06:57:57.138 (I) --> StartupActionStop :: Description:[Get CORS Allowed Origins], ElapsedMs:[9]
2015-03-10_06:58:01.168 (E) --> InternalManagementCallError :: CallId:[2], Uri:[http://v-XXXXX:48665/Control/Management/HostStatus], Method:[GET], OuterCode:[404], InnerCode:[200], InnerError:[An error occurred while sending the request. -- Unable to connect to the remote server], ElapsedMs:[2013]
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