Hi All,
Is there any tool available through which we can copy dynamics 365 sandbox data to production instance.
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Hi All,
Is there any tool available through which we can copy dynamics 365 sandbox data to production instance.
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There is a XRMToolBox control called "Data Migration using FetchXml". You can specify columns and filter criteria in the fetchXml and data according to that query will be transferred from source to target.
Here are the steps.
1. In the source instance go to advanced find (Microsoft removed it from UCI, but still available in "Advanced Settings"), specify columns, and filter criteria of the entity which data should be migrated.
2. Download the fetchXml file from the advanced find.
3. Add fetchXml file in the XrmToolBox control.
4. Click "Transfer Data".
For Kingsway, you may not necessarily need a license unless you need to schedule a job (running it from the Visual Studio does not require a license)
PS. Is it a new prod instance? Maybe you can just promote sandbox to production?
Hi Shiv,
There are several tools available to copy data from one environment to another. Which tools would be best in your situation depends upon your customization/ environment and the database size.
If you want to move configuration data from your sandbox environment to production then you can use the out of box Configuration Migration tool.
If you want to do full data migration then you can go with Scribe or kingsway soft. They both are paid softwares.
Hope this helps
there is tool provided in the CRM SDK called "DataMigrationUtility" . Please find the location of that application file inside SDK folder.
File Location:
Yes, You can use scribe insight.
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