We have a BC 20 OnPrem installation:
* Our custom apps' are target: Cloud.
* We have NOT modified the Base Application (Microsoft_Base Application_20.6.47024.0.app)
However, after installing the customer's license, we can't login into BC, and we have this error in the event viewer:
Sorry, we can’t sign you in. You're using a customized version of the following Microsoft applications, which doesn’t meet our Universal Code requirement:
Base Application by Microsoft
You must either upgrade the apps to meet the requirement or license the non-Universal Code module that grants an exception to the requirement.
For more information, see https://aka.ms/bcUniversalCode.
Any ideas on how to solve this?? I'm 100% sure we have not modified the Base Application. We made the installation from the media, and we made some customizations with an independent extension, where we downloaded the symbols, but never made any modification.