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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...
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BC20 On prem. Universal Code requirement error after installing customer's license.

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Posted on by 2,987

We have a BC 20 OnPrem installation:

* Our custom apps' are target: Cloud.

* We have NOT modified the Base Application (Microsoft_Base

However, after installing the customer's license, we can't login into BC, and we have this error in the event viewer:

Sorry, we can’t sign you in. You're using a customized version of the following Microsoft applications, which doesn’t meet our Universal Code requirement:

Base Application by Microsoft

You must either upgrade the apps to meet the requirement or license the non-Universal Code module that grants an exception to the requirement.

For more information, see

Any ideas on how to solve this?? I'm 100% sure we have not modified the Base Application. We made the installation from the media, and we made some customizations with an independent extension, where we downloaded the symbols, but never made any modification.

  • Suggested answer
    Mohana Yadav Profile Picture
    Mohana Yadav 60,155 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: BC20 On prem. Universal Code requirement error after installing customer's license.

    adding the Module “Implemented code is not in extensions” is not a suggested workaround from my point of view as the customer should start paying $75 per user / year from 2023.

  • Dobby94 Profile Picture
    Dobby94 2 on at
    RE: BC20 On prem. Universal Code requirement error after installing customer's license.

    Why doesn't Microsoft then change the licenses? With a developer license, there are no problems. Why isn't the license adjusted as a workaround so that customers can continue to work with an older CU version with the "Implemented code is not cloud-optimized" in it? It would be acceptable if applying the CU update with the application was as easy as double-clicking. Which, as we all know, is not the case. It can't be the solution to be forced to make an unplanned CU update. And if so... Microsoft could proactively point out to this problem and appropriately inform partners and customers. It's disappointing that such significant and important information has to come via a forum or other blogs.

    Maybe its a workaround to get the following module: 

    • Module “Implemented code is not in extensions”
      When the Microsoft Business Central base application is modified, customers will need to license this module.

    Whether the base app is customized or not. There must be a workaround.. And Microsoft must deliver another solution then simply updating to a new CU.

    best regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Mohana Yadav Profile Picture
    Mohana Yadav 60,155 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: BC20 On prem. Universal Code requirement error after installing customer's license.

    Yes, we got same response through Microsoft Support case.

  • Dobby94 Profile Picture
    Dobby94 2 on at
    RE: BC20 On prem. Universal Code requirement error after installing customer's license.

    Marco Mels  Is this the official solution? To upgrade to a newer CU on BC20?

    There is no workaround?

    This would be huge thing..

    Would be nice to have an official Microsoft Statement to this issue.

    Thank you!

    best regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Hasnain Ali Profile Picture
    Hasnain Ali 132 on at
    RE: BC20 On prem. Universal Code requirement error after installing customer's license.


    This might help you.

  • Nikolay Yordanov Profile Picture
    Nikolay Yordanov 15 on at
    RE: BC20 On prem. Universal Code requirement error after installing customer's license.

    "Updating just the platform to BC 21.7 seems like a workaround."

    Platform 21.7 is also ok for our Customers.

    Base App is still 21.2

  • Ghetz Profile Picture
    Ghetz 2,987 on at
    RE: BC20 On prem. Universal Code requirement error after installing customer's license.

    Quick update.. Updating just the platform to BC 21.7 seems like a workaround. We are now able to access BC, and we have not upgraded the Base App, etc.

    So just uninstalled BC and installed BC 21.7 Media.

    Be sure to make a copy of Server and WebClient .config file, so everything stays the same

    After the update, we got an error when restarting the service:

    Message (HttpSysException): Failed to start service with CLR type Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Service.AspNetCore.AspNetCoreApiHost, API type DevApi and address dm-appfiles.distec.local:7049/.../dev.
    RootException: HttpSysException

    We fixed this by either chaging the service user to an admin user, or executing this command from CMD as admin:

    netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:7049/BC210/ user="NT AUTHORITY\Servicio de red"

    Where BC210 is the Instance name, and user must be the service account

  • Ghetz Profile Picture
    Ghetz 2,987 on at
    RE: BC20 On prem. Universal Code requirement error after installing customer's license.

    Guys this is just crazy! How can this be happening on Production environments.. Is this an expected behaviour?

    How can we perform an emergency upgrade in all our customers??

    Honestly we are getting screwed!

  • Nikolay Yordanov Profile Picture
    Nikolay Yordanov 15 on at
    RE: BC20 On prem. Universal Code requirement error after installing customer's license.

    But ... Update 21.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Release Wave 2 with Release Date May, 2023 was signed with the same certificate. The Countersignature however is ok.


  • Suggested answer
    Nikolay Yordanov Profile Picture
    Nikolay Yordanov 15 on at
    RE: BC20 On prem. Universal Code requirement error after installing customer's license.
    [quote user="Mohana Yadav"]

    Looks like the Microsoft Code Signing certificate expired. BC21.5 and below versions are affected. It should be ok with BC21.6 versions onwards.


    Thank you, @Mohana Yadav !!!

    You are absolutely right :)))))

    The Base App was signed with a certificate, which expired on 11.05.2023

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