I'm very new to AL so bear with me.
I've inserted a field in 'Purchase order subform'.
pageextension 50110 "Field on PO Line" extends "Purchase Order Subform"
field("Web Model Code"; Rec."Web Model Code")
ApplicationArea = all;
tableextension 50110 "New Web product list field" extends "Purchase Line"
field(50105; "Web Model Code"; Code[50])
Caption = 'Web Model';
DataClassification = ToBeClassified;
I need a ability to update this field by 'cut and paste' with a web part number (code[50] and when entered to do a lookup to see if there's a match in another custom field on the Item table. (This will very much speed up item entry in our case.)
If so it will select that item on the purchase line. If not it will clear.
Doing this as our web based item codes are over 20 chars. (Limit for Item No.)
I just need the general method, I'm sure I can work out the rest given enough research! I sort of anticipate using an OnChange or similar event to set the 'No.' field and then hopefully the fill the purchase line.
Any advice appreciated.