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Partial Data Migration Upgrade from NAV4 to Business Central On-premise

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I am new to Microsoft Dynamics and currently working on a project that needs to upgrade an accounting application from NAV4 to Dynamics Business Central (on-premise).  The database consists of 80GB of data and we had a thought of trimming away obsolete data (i.e. only migrate data since 1-Apr-2017).  However, the development contractor said they could not delete data because it will affect the integrity of data.  I asked them to filter out data by date and then do the migration, but they insist they could not do that.  I do not have strong technical knowledge on Dynamics nor accounting knowledge, so I have a few questions:

1) Does Microsoft provide any tool to consolidate data up to a certain date, and then enable the ledger entries before that date to be deleted?  I tried to search through and found many discussion mentioned that you cannot delete ledger entries.

2) On the technical side, there is a need to housekeep database so as to keep the performance of the application healthy.  What is the industrial practice to housekeep data, if there is no way to delete ledger entries from an existing database?

3) Can we study the database schema and operate on the data level to do the housekeeping?  (e.g. study the table and field relationships, and then write SQL scripts to delete data and/or consolidate data)

Many thanks for any tips.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 75,723 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Partial Data Migration Upgrade from NAV4 to Business Central On-premise
    Hi, BC can compress data for more than five years. Generally, the state-stipulated retention period for financial data is five years.
    Hope the following can give you some hints.
  • Suggested answer
    gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 13,008 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Partial Data Migration Upgrade from NAV4 to Business Central On-premise
    There are options and operations that I am not sure exist in version 4.0, which is old.
    Deleting information and filtering information within a company for the migration process is not possible. Data can be compressed, companies can be deleted, and other actions.
    Regarding the diagrams, we are talking about an old DB that has definitely changed to the ones we have now, but the core is similar.
    I'll give you some links that I hope will help you a little.

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