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D365 FO On-premises high performance issue 10.0.31

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Hi D365 FO community,

Recently we have upgraded our on-premises D365 FO environment from 10.0.26 - 10.0.31 version. We have 5 AOS having 24 GBs of RAM each and 4 processor cores. After upgradation to new version (10.0.31) we are experiencing the huge performance issue in D365 FO. Almost the system takes 30 seconds to open the forms specifically Sales and purchase related forms. Also When I tried to switched the legal entity, it takes 20 seconds to move to another company. Also we have checked more batch jobs are running after the upgrade.

We checked the AOS servers task manger, the memory consumption is almost 90% on each AOS and CPU consumption is approx. 40-50% on each AOS. When we restart the servers, the memory goes down to 30% and in hours it increases to 90% and remains on this point. Checked the activity monitor on database VM, the processor time is 20% and batch request sec is approx. 4000. Also checked the blocking sessions, no blocking sessions are found.

  1. We have tried to restart the server.
  2. We have tried to restart the AOS Nodes.

But the performance issue is still the same and causing serious hanging.

How can I identify which batch jobs are running continously but have no significant use? Is anyone encounter the same error after upgrading to 10.0.31 version? Is there is some bug related to performance in 10.0.31 version?

Please help us in improving the system performance. Please share any approach/workaround which we can use to overcome this.

  • Suggested answer
    Umesh Pandit Profile Picture
    Umesh Pandit 9,298 User Group Leader on at
    D365 FO On-premises high performance issue 10.0.31
    I hope your SQL servers are under HA and they have Different drives for Data, Logs, Bankup, and TempDB.
  • D365 FO On-premises high performance issue 10.0.31
    Hi Ammad,
    Our D365 on-prem customer is having exact same issues with 10.0.31 version. Just wanted to ask you if you managed to solve this issues somehow? 
    I would appreciate any hints/recommendations.
  • Anton Venter Profile Picture
    Anton Venter 19,493 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: D365 FO On-premises high performance issue 10.0.31

    It could be that your on premise specifcations do not match the required specifcations for the amount of user load and "data demand" in the system. This includes the Dynamics and virtual machine specifications. Having said that, I think it's important to pinpoint exaclty what's causing the performance issues.

    Can you identify all processes that are creating, updating or reading data in bulk in the system? Whether online users, (custom) batch jobs, integrations etc. Use the trace parser as mentioned by Andre or even SQL Server since it's on premise.

    If you know the cause is not the system specs, a customisation or integration etc. I would raise a support request with Microsoft to get it sorted out.

  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,965 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: D365 FO On-premises high performance issue 10.0.31

    Hi Ammad,

    You can use the Trace Parser to check what processes are running at a specific moment and what coding or database call has long processing times.  Take traces by using Trace parser - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn

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