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Embedded PowerBI analytic not updated (not the data, the report itself) when applying package/model

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I have two identical Dynamics365 for Operations Azure-hosted environments.  They both have the exact same versions of Dynamics365, and the exact same package of OUR software has been applied to both.

I am using PowerBI embedded to show analytics on a workspace in my solution.

On ONE of the two, a particular PowerBI analytic is still showing an older version of the analytic (which is missing a new tab which was added in the newer version of the .pbix).

I have tried all of the below when RDPed into the VM

- Reapplying the package from LCS- Importing the model and compiling it in Visual Studio
- Completely deleting our application folder in K\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory, re-importing the model, and recompiling with Visual Studio, with synchronize database checked
- Checking out the source code and completely recompiling the application from the Visual Studio solution in-place

None of the above has caused the analytic ITSELF to get updated.  If I select "Options", then "Edit Analytic", I can see that my updated analytic is not there (there is a missing tab inside the analytic).  On the system where it works, I can see that it IS there, both when just viewing the analytic and editing it.

I am stumped.  Any ideas?

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Embedded PowerBI analytic not updated (not the data, the report itself) when applying package/model

    For anyone who's interested, I worked with MS support, and was able to get the proper analytic to show by editing the analytic in place in D365, then saving it, then choosing the option to restore (undo my changes) from the options menu in D365.  That replaced the wrong report with the actual proper report that was in the package.

  • Verified answer
    RE: Embedded PowerBI analytic not updated (not the data, the report itself) when applying package/model


    I would recommend to you opening a ticket in Microsoft Support. Here you can create it:

    Contact Us - Microsoft Support

    I hope this helps.

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