Is it normal for store operations POS to hang for 15-28 seconds before retrieving transactions during the transaction void process ?
Our store can be very busy during peak time and this delay really hangs up lines, forcing us to do all voids after closing.
The wait is longer at the end of day, I figure it’s because at that time the program has to retrieve 1500+ transactions.
I'm just wondering if this delay is normal. Can someone who does a similar number of transactions tell me how long it takes for their transaction to be retrieved when doing voids?
I have RMS 2.0.0105 with service pack 2 installed.
I have tried to increase the systems performance by upgrading the POS computer to windows 7 with 3.0 GHz dual core processor and 4 gigs of RAM .
The database is installed on a dedicated machine that has server 2008 installed 3.4 GHz core I7 processor with 8 gigs of ram, network is 10/100. The system upgrades did seem to offer some performance enhancement (previous wait time was about 35 seconds) but I believe the time it takes to retrieve that information could be less.
Is there any other way to speed up the time the system takes to retrieve transactions?
To void a transaction
1 Press F11 to display the available recall functions.
2 Then I Select the Void a transaction option, and then press Enter.
3 On the List Transactions window in the Date boxes, I type or select the range of dates that contain the transaction. then Press Enter
At this point the mouse pointer changes to the processing cursor and hangs for about 15-28 seconds
after the list of transactions appear in the window, I select the specific transaction I wish to void.
Here at this point there is another wait but shorter this time.
Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.
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