In SL2015 users can have the same screen open in multiple companies (unlike in SL7 where we are migrating from). In this organisation users often work in several companies and there are concerns that they will mistakenly enter data into the wrong company even with the company colour coding. Therefore we would like to restrict users to only being in one company at a time.
The [Company] section of Solomon.ini settings enables an entry of AppCompany= 0 or 1. The description appears to say that the user can change companies after closing the open company (see image below). When set to 0 the behaviour of the change company changes but the user gets locked into one company ie when the user clicks 'Change Company' or 'Close Company then Open Company' they are presented with the select database pop up. After clicking OK on this the select company screen is not displayed and the user is logged back into the company they were logged into.
Not sure if this is a bug or there are other settings we need to change to make this work.
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