Hi everyone,
I don't seem to find this information anywhere in the Community or in the GP documentation. I'd like your advise please.
Lately, I encounter a reaction in Smartlist that let me thinking! Seems like Smartlist can only extract the first 255 characters for a DB text field. My interrogation pointing to the field "Additional Information" that can be reach in the Customer> Internet Information (blue round icon right of the Adresse Code) > Additional Information (column "INetInfo" in the DB SY01200). In the DB, this field can contain 32000 characters and my client is using more than 255 characters.
The sad part about it is that we have a Smartlist that extract (the first 255 char) from this field but also an IM integration built to integrate this information back in GP that let us modify many customers in one convenient action. You imagine my client surprise when a field of, lets say 1000 characters, get stripped of its last 745 characters.
I can strip the field from the Smartlist but before that I'd like to confirm that this Smartlist reaction is normal! Can we only get the 255 first characters from GP DB by Smartlists ? Is there any way to extract more from characters ?
Any thoughts would be welcome.
Sorry for my sluggish english and thank you for your attention.
Have a nice day,
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