We have a requirement to change Lead Home Grid row backgrond color based on field value. For Example Rating -Hot show Red color and for other values change to different color.
I have found code which is working fine in Web client read only grid. However we have a requirement to do this in UCI. below Blog which is working in Web client.
Dynamics CRM - Dynamically change row color in grid view
function showLeadStatus(rowData, userLCID) { if(rowData ==null|| rowData =='undefined')return; // read rowdata var str = JSON.parse(rowData); // get leads status var coldata = str.statuscode_Value; //get row/record guid var rowId = str.RowId; if(coldata ==null|| coldata =='undefined'|| coldata.length < 1)return; switch(coldata) { case 4: //if 'Lost // This is the way to get the whole row // This syntax might get changed in your case based upon requirement // First you need to find the 'td' tag (by doing F12 in gridview) based on the attribute you want to color the grid view // For Example, here I am using lead status field (statusreason) and the 'td' of //status reason field is span that is why I have used span to get the 'td' then used the 'closest' method to get the 'tr' of that 'td' in order to make the row colorful $('span:contains("Lost")').closest('tr').css('background-color', 'coral') $('span:contains("Lost")').closest('tr').css('color', 'white') break; case 3: //if 'qualified': $('span:contains("Qualified")').closest('tr').css('background-color', 'greenyellow') $('span:contains("Qualified")').closest('tr').css('color', 'white') break; case 1: //if 'new': $('span:contains("New")').closest('tr').css('background-color', 'yellow') break; default: break; } }
Grid visualization on Web client
I tried changing code but couldn't fix for UCI client.
Please help!