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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Microsoft RMS 2.0 Ingenico 6550 Merchant Processor

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Hello.  We need some advice with our Microsoft Dynamics RMS 2.0 setup.

 We know Chase Paymantech is the default processor, and we did talk to them.  However, we already purchased the Ingenico 6550 machine.  Chase does not support this unit, only the smaller receipt driven units.  The Ingenico 6550 will save us time and resources through each transaction.

 Can someone recommend a merchant processor that supports the Ingenico 6550?  It would help if you have the same setup, because we tried testing the signature capture without success.  If our unit could be made to function like Walmart or Walgreens units, that would be ideal.  Our equipment list is as follows:


IBM 4610-TF6 Receipt Printer (Serial, Using Serial to USB adapter)

Metroscan Voyager 9520 (Serial, Using serial to USB adapter)

MMF Val-u-Line Cash Drawer (Printer Driven, but I think we have the wrong cable.  It doesn't open when it's suppose to)

KaneSwipe USB Card Reader

Ingenico 6550 (Signature, PinPad, Credit Reader)

We are currently operating as a Cash only business.

Thanks for your time and answers in advance.




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  • Suggested answer
    Wineman 1856 Profile Picture
    Wineman 1856 195 on at
    Re: Microsoft RMS 2.0 Ingenico 6550 Merchant Processor

    Mercury Payment is the best for Ingenico 6550 with RMS I used them for years with minimal problems. It is best if you connect the 6550 via serial and not USB this alleviates almost all problems with the connection dropping between the POS and the Ingenico.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Microsoft RMS 2.0 Ingenico 6550 Merchant Processor

    Hi Ed,

    I was talking to First Data Sales Support, here is there response.

    "Yes we cannot accept debit on Vital. That is not saying that RMS cannot do pin debit on vital, it very well may be able to but we (Firstdata) cannot do pin debit on Vital."

    According to him its not possible through First Data.

    Can you recomend any other Merchant Services Provider who can support both RMS and Ingenico 6550?



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Microsoft RMS 2.0 Ingenico 6550 Merchant Processor


    It sounds like you are getting support from the terminal department of FDMS.  You need support from the POS/Software department.  They should be able to issue you a RA# (their words) to send the unit to TASQ.  You cuold also send the unit to Ingenico but you will need the Pin key number, should be banks initials and then a number.  Like PNC000, (not a real number).  If they give you this number then you can send it to any certified injection provider.

    P.S. The Ingenico is not supported by every bank anymore.  Ingenico annouced the EOL for this product at the end of last year.  



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Microsoft RMS 2.0 Ingenico 6550 Merchant Processor

    Hi Boyer,

    I have a merchant account from EMPS powered by First Data, they put me on VISANET / VITAL.

    I have installed Ingenico 6550 on windows 7 machine, and have configured it with RMS successfully. I can only accept Credit Cards or Check Cards. I can not process Pin Based Debit Cards on this machine. Someone told me it needs to be key injected. When I called EMPS and First Data they said they don't support this device with RMS.

    I called Microsoft and they said that they have customers who use this device with Frist Data and they do accept Pin Based Debit Cards.

    I'm really frustrated as I'm working on this since three weeks and can't get it done for Pin Based Debit Cards.

    You said any processor that uses FDMS or Vital should be able to support it, who should I talk to, First Data or Microsoft or Third Party? What I need to do here... Can you please help me here.



  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Microsoft RMS 2.0 Ingenico 6550 Merchant Processor

    Bank of America supports them.  Also any processor that uses FDMS or Vital should be able to support them.  You might have to get them injected seperately if using debit.

    Also I dont recomment using an serial to usb adapters due to problems I have encountered with them.  If you can add a PCMCIA serial card or PCI/PCI Express serial card.

    I have installed several Ingenicos 6550 for customers but they are all using POS 2009.  

    To my knowledge you need the OPOS version and it will require the Ingenico OPOS drivers.   You might be able to find these online.

    If not reply and I can email them to you.

    Another helpful link:


    Ed Boyer

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Microsoft RMS 2.0 Ingenico 6550 Merchant Processor

    Good afternoon everyone.

    We have been using Ingenico 6550 devices with Hypercom (TPI) Smart Payment Client and recently we were notified that Hypercom is no longer supporting its software so I am looking for a solution that will help us use Ingenico Sig Capt/ Pin Pad with RMS.

    I have a few questions and appreciate all the help;

    1) We tried integrating Ingenico with RMS using OPOS drivers suggested by MS KnowledgeBase article but the result was really bad. The devices got frozen or lost communication all of a sudden.

    So is there anyone else who tried OPOS drivers for Ingenico specifically 6550 and ended up happy?

    2) I am still talking with syssolutionsllc about their Ingenico - RMS addon (IngenicoControls) but have not decided yet. IS tehre anyone who tried it and ended up happy?

    3) Does anyone know any other solution (PlugIn / module) that will help integrate Ingenico and RMS?

    Thank you all!

  • Wineman 1856 Profile Picture
    Wineman 1856 195 on at
    Re: Microsoft RMS 2.0 Ingenico 6550 Merchant Processor

    Mercury Payment Systems has the ability to support 6550 with RMS

    I have used a few different processors Merciry is the best. (800) 846-4472

  • Dave Durrenberger Profile Picture
    Dave Durrenberger 1,620 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Microsoft RMS 2.0 Ingenico 6550 Merchant Processor


    You will need UPOS for your Ingenico.  If you want Ingenico to perform beyond basic signature functionality ie. prompt the customer in various ways, display logo, advertisting, running totals, store receipt with signature for reprint of receipt with signature, print receipt with signature etc. you can take a look at either of these plug ins:

    Ingenico Controls:


    Signature Capture and Print:


  • Darrin Duhamel Profile Picture
    Darrin Duhamel 20 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Microsoft RMS 2.0 Ingenico 6550 Merchant Processor
    Hi Brandon. You seem to be quite knowledgeable on Microsoft RMS 2.0 and Ingenico Signature Capture devices. I have been using RMS since before the days when Microsoft acquired the company that developed the software; hence I am very comfortable with the software. However I am new to Ingenico Sig Cap devices. I have noticed that there are version that list UPOS and separate units that list OPOS support. I am currently running OPOS for my existing peripherals. Is there a difference between UPOS & OPOS units? If so, will it affect interoperability with RMS 2.0? Like many others I have just shifted my business to Mercury Pay. I have NOTHING nice to say about First Data. Thanks for your assistance! DD
  • Wineman 1856 Profile Picture
    Wineman 1856 195 on at
    Re: Microsoft RMS 2.0 Ingenico 6550 Merchant Processor

    I think that Mercury Payment Systems is the best with the Ingenico. They offer great service as well as a free gift card program. But the best point is they know the Ingenico. Just for reference RMS has some problems with interfacing the Ingenico. The drivers can have intermittent problems where the communicatiosn is lost with the terminal and you have to restart the Ingenico and the RMS application or sometime even the computer. There are software applications that are said to improve the communications between RMS and the Ingenico but I have no experience with them and can't tell you if there is any improvement. I use the Ingenico and it does work and it improves the flow of the sale. The communication problems are an annoyance  but far from a deal breaker. If you want more details email me.

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