Hello everyone
I need to make a FetchXml query that gets all the users that are a member of a specific team. But I don't understand how a user is linked with a team. I don't see any clear references from the User table (systemuser) to the Teams table. Neither entities have been altered.
When I look at the relations of the user entity, I see two relations that I do think may be it:
* Assign To Team/User
* User <-> Team
When I go and check the first relation, and go to the Rule Item table, I don't see any data there. I am logged in as a admin, so I should be able to see all data (I believe).
And I know there is a user in a team.
When I go and check the 2nd relation, I see it's a many-to-many relationship, but I am not sure how these are stored in Dataverse/Dynamics 365.
Can someone point me in the right direction? I need to create a FetchXml query
I have not changed any relationships between both entities.
Thank you for the clear answer. This does help a lot!
There are following relationships between the User and Team.
The first one “User-Team” is the second relationship you find.
To create the Fetch XML, you can do the following steps.
1.Advanced setting>Advanced Find
2.query this relationship by Advanced Find.
3.Download the Fetch XML
I hope the following links will help you to create a Fetch Xml query.
Querying Many to Many Relationships in Microsoft Dynamics CRM - CRM Software Blog | Dynamics 365
the second relationship (teammembership) is the one you need to use. Create the fetchxml query with FetchXML Builder for XrmToolBox, so you can test also the query and see the right results.
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