Below are the steps to change the formats. Please note that these steps will take effect system wide, that is for ALL companies.
How to change the Phone Format for Windows and Reports
You can change the Phone format in Great Plains for windows (using Modifier) and for reports (use Report Writer).
These formats are not used by Smartlist and the Letter Writing Assistant. To change the format used by Smartlist and Letter Writing Assistant requires an additional process using the Modifier please refer to KB 921632.;en-us;921632
To change the Phone format for windows and reports use the steps below:
1) From Great Plains click Tools, click Customise, click Modifier or Report Writer.
2) Select Great Plains or Microsoft Dynamics GP.
3) Click Resources >> Formats.
4) Select the Phone_Number format and click Open to the Format Definition window.
5) In the right hand side of the window, click on the format in the Format Strings list.
6) Click Remove to remove the old format.
7) If you want a blank format, skip to step 10.
8) Edit the format in the Format String field as desired.
9) Click Insert to add the new format back.
10) Click OK to confirm the changes.
11) Click File, click Great Plains or Microsoft Dynamics GP to exit Modifier or Report Writer.
NOTE: You can change the Phone_Number3 format using the same steps, this is the format used for the Phone 3 field.
NOTE: For the format resource changes to take effect for both reports and windows, the Phone_Number and Phone_Number3 formats must be changed in both the Report Writer and the Modifier.
David Musgrave [MSFT]
Escalation Engineer - Microsoft Dynamics GP
Microsoft Dynamics Support - Asia Pacific
Microsoft Dynamics (formerly Microsoft Business Solutions)
Any views contained within are my personal views and not necessarily Microsoft policy.
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