I would like to find out.
In Navision, when I go to Posted Purchase Return Shipments/Purchase Return Order, I can return the quantity of the Purchase Order of that particular Item, whose PO i have Post Receipt. However, the GRN remains and not change.
In Posted Purchase Receipt, I can undo receipt so that the GRN will be removed and the quantity will be back to 0 for that items.
1. I would like to find out what is the purpose of Posted Purchase Return Shipments, since even if we return the quantity of the items from the PO, we no longer can used it as it has been tag with a GRN?
2. Since we already have Posted Purchase Receipts to undo GRN, therefore, removing GRN and reinstate the amount back to its original. Why do we need Purchase Shipment Order, Purchase Return Order, Posted Purchase Return Shipments? May I ask what are these for?
3. Since if we say we use Purchase Return Shipments/Purchase Return Order, to return the Quantity of the items but the GRN was not removed, so that PO is still having GRN, can we still do anything with that PO which contains GRN?
Reinstating the quantity, without removing GRN seems meaningless to me. Hope someone can help me understand.
Thank you!