I granted permissions below to user, but users still encountered below error message when accessing Payment journal. Which permissions should I grant to the users to avoid the issue below? Thanks.
Permission granted:
Error msg:
If requesting support, please provide the following details to help troubleshooting:
Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (Query Workflow Definition Execute: Base Application)
Page Edit - Payment Journals - BNP CA USD-for the month of Jan 2019 has to close.
To view details about your permissions, see the Effective Permissions page. To report a problem, refer to the following server session ID: '100492'.
Internal session ID:
Application Insights session ID:
Client activity id:
Time stamp on error:
AL call stack:
"Workflow Management"(CodeUnit 1501).EnabledWorkflowExist line 11 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Payment Journal"(Page 256).OnAfterGetCurrRecord(Trigger) line 20 - Base Application by Microsoft