I want to update field to manager email id on create of record in workflow.
I want to update field to manager email id on create of record in workflow.
Hi, I think the mean of your question is when the record is created in the workflow, update the field to the manager's email id.
Since I don't know your specific table structure and fields, I designed a table to test.
For example, here are two tables Engineer and Manager. All of them have some fields such as name, phone, email etc. And In Engineer table , I add a column named Manager Email and relationship between Engineer table and Manager table.
To accomplish this requirement, I recommend using Automated cloud flow and Dataverse Trigger in Power Automate.
For steps to accomplish this requirement
These are some of my suggestions for the questions you have asked. If you have any further questions, please contact me.
Best Regards,
Rudy Zhang
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