I have a customer who needs to handle calculating multiple local tax codes with one payroll transaction entry. I'm not sure if we can setup GP local tax codes to handle this somehow or use Integration Manager scripting to help on import? Or if there is a 3rd party for this??
I live in County A whose local tax rate is 2.5%. This payroll I worked in Locality 1 whose tax rate is 1%. Since I worked outside my county, I need to give 1% to Locality 1 but only the difference to my county (1.5%). Is there a way to set up the local codes to handle this?
My payroll transaction entry would pass in the Locality 1 but I need GP to automatically know to calculate 1% and then only 1.5% to my County A tax code.
This is important for W2 purposes and reporting/paying the correct amounts to the localities. Thanks for any guidance.
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