Hi All,
Can someone please help me on this.
I have used Contract entity as Organizations members and Contact entity as Individual Members in our organization and created custom entities for
- Committee this includes committee name, Status of the committee, Date Inactive, Notes, - this has done
I need help to do this --> In the committee form, I want to include above fields plus these details as well- under Committee details section Name of the Member, Member organization, Member Title, Start date and End date. I want to do this in a grid that will allow functionalities to add (looking Member entity and add relevant record to the committee), edit remove records from committee, The reason that I want to use a grid is this will contains multiple records for one committee.
the Member Title will read from the Member Title Entity, Member organization will get from the Contract Entity
- Member Title this includes only Member tile and Staus - This has Done
-Individual Members this includes Name, Email, Member Category, Address, tel number --> this has done
I need help to do this --> In the Individual Members form, I want to include above fields plus these details as well -Membership Details this includes Organization- this will read data from Organizations members entity, Title, Date appointment, End date
Also, includes Committee details (in a grid that will allow the same functionalities as mentioned in the above ) such as - Name of the Member, Member organization, Member Title, Start date and End date
Thanks heaps for your help.
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