We only want to keep workflow creation and edits to a few people in our org. Where is the permission on the security role located where we can restrict access to create or edit workflows?
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We only want to keep workflow creation and edits to a few people in our org. Where is the permission on the security role located where we can restrict access to create or edit workflows?
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Hi MayaD,
My understanding is:
Process is the workflow/Business Process Flow/Action itself.
Process Session is the execution of the process. For example, you may have ONE workflow to do GeoCode and update record Lat/Long when the address is updated, this may trigger MULTIPLE process sessions to be created. Because of this, create privilege of Process Session is required if you have any workflow set as 'Execute as the user who made changes to the record'.
I'm not sure about Process Configuration. So I did a test creating a security role with only privileges on Process Configuration and looked into the database to see what it really is.
Seems it's a Dynamics internal privilege related to an object called ComplexControl, not really related to processes at all.
Hi Abby
Are you able to explain what the difference is between Process, Process Configuration and Process Session which can be found under the Customization tab for a security role?
Hi CRM Learner 8,
On the Customization tab of security roles you will have the option to adjust user permissions for the Process entity. You will need to make sure that the create and write permissions are set to None Selected for the Process entity to prevent users from creating or editing workflows.
You can also prevent users from executing workflow jobs by setting the Execute Workflow Job privilege to None Selected.
Hi CRM Learner 8,
To stop people from creating and editing workflow, related permission is create/write access for 'Process' entity under Security Role->Customization->Process.
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