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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...
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Dutch localization: SEPA Payment export, definitions of dataexport

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Hello everyone,

This question relates to the Dutch localization of Business Central:

We are having problems with importing the payment export file from BC into our local bank environment, which relates to both credit transfers as well as direct debits. When importing such a file into our bank we get the message 'File is not a correct payment- or direct debit-file'. 

It seems to me that the problem is in our export protocols for bank payments. However, I can not find any useful sources in the Microsoft manuals or other websites that explain to me the right settings for the bankexport protocols for the Dutch localization.

My bankexport settings are as follows:


And in my definitions for data exchange ('Definities voor gegevensuitwisseling') I have defined the same codeunits, as follows:


I have been struggling with this for a while now and I can not see what settings are wrong that cause this issue.

Is there anyone who has had related problems or knows how to solve this? I'd like to hear from you!

Thank you in advance!

  • Suggested answer
    Dirk Profile Picture
    Dirk on at
    RE: Dutch localization: SEPA Payment export, definitions of dataexport

    If you still face issues I suggest you ask your partner to raise a service ticket with Microsoft / if you are from a partner ... please raise the ticket yourself and we can look at it together in a Teams meeting


    Kind Regards

  • JR61 Profile Picture
    JR61 34 on at
    RE: Dutch localization: SEPA Payment export, definitions of dataexport

    Hi Dirk,

    Thank you for your reply. I have tried this but unfortunately the issue is still not solved.

    Anyone else with the Dutch localization that knows how to solve this or knows the right settings?javascript:void(0);

  • Suggested answer
    Dirk Profile Picture
    Dirk on at
    RE: Dutch localization: SEPA Payment export, definitions of dataexport


    In the NL localization we support two different ways for creating SEPA files ... the NL local "telebanking" feature, using the Export Protocols and Telebanking Proposals" etc.  and the general W1 feature, using the payment journal and the payment export format specified on the Bank Account.

    Lookign at your screenshots it seems you want to use the W1 functionality.
    That is good and shoudl work.

    When I compare your first screenshot with my CRONUS setup I see that you filled the "Data Exch. Def. Code" fields in the "Bank Export/Import Setup":
    I think this is not needed.
    If you delete the value from that field the vendor payment file should be created using XML Port 1000 and the direct debit file shoudl be created using XML Port 1010.

    Please try that.
    I hope this helps already.

    If you still face issues I suggest you ask your partner to raise a service ticket with Microsoft / if you are from a partner ... please raise the ticket yourself. 

    Kind Regards


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