I inherited a bunch of eConnect integrations that someone did some 3 to 4 years back, this specific integration uploads to CRM 2011 all sales orders created in GP 2013, now I need for this eConnect to ignore a couple of sales orders batches as they will be processed by accounting manually.
So I thought that using the filters provided in the eConnect user interface would be enough and solve my problem, but it is not working as expected, let me explain, the first part of the filter that tells eConnect to ignore sales order that have the batchid "MYBATCHONE" it works fine!
But when I added the second condition using the OR operator to tell eConnect to also ignore sales orders that have the BatchId of "MYBATCHNUMBER2" this condition it is NOT WORKING as the integration keeps pulling the sales orders with this batch and uploading them to CRM.
So the first part of the filters condition works fine but the second part does not, in the filters code window it shows this:
// Runtime Version:4.0.30319.18051
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
// the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
namespace Transformc15547860c5549cf8e30815a4648f9e2
using Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Transform;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public partial class Transformer : Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Transform.TransformBase, Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Transform.ITransform
public override object TransformObject(object source)
return this._(((Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Adapters.Gp2010.GPWebService.SalesOrder)(source)));
private Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Filtering.FilterResult _(Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Adapters.Gp2010.GPWebService.SalesOrder source)
Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Filtering.FilterResult _ = new Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Filtering.FilterResult();
_.PassedCriteria = Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Mapping.Helpers.LogicalMappingHelper.Or(Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Mapping.Helpers.DefaultValueLogicMappingHelper.StringNotEqualTo(( ((source != null)
&& (source.BatchKey != null)) ? source.BatchKey.Id : default(string) ), "MYBATCHONE"), Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Mapping.Helpers.DefaultValueLogicMappingHelper.StringNotEqualTo(( ((source != null)
&& (source.BatchKey != null)) ? source.BatchKey.Id : default(string) ), "MYBATCHNUMBER2"));
return _;
Can you please help me, I don't understand why it does not work, I've been stuck for 3 days and can't find any help.
Thank you for your urgent help