RE: change check print date formate
You will need to create a series of calculated fields in Report Writer: a) one to get the current month, b) one to get the day, c) one to retrieve the year as a 2-digit string, and d) finally, one to concatenate all pieces.
For the first 3, you can call the RW_DateToString() system user-defined function by passing the date and format, as follows:
For the Month: (C) StrMonth
For the Day: (C) StrDay
For the year: (C) StrYear
You can now create the concatenated version of the date as needed, using whatever format you need: (C) ConcatDate
All you have left now is to drag the calculated field, (C) ConcatDate onto the report and align it to the best of your abilities to the physical check layout. If you are not familiar with Report Writer, please provide these instructions to your partner. They should be able to assist.