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I also recommend Sandler Kahne's EBanking, their support has been fantastic on the occasions in which we needed them. Using their product saves a tremendous amount of time depending on the volume of EFT's you have.
Yes, it would.
Wouldn't that cause the ach to post to a different GL account/subaccount combination so I would need to add two accounts to reconciled the bank statements?
Elaine's suggestion would cause issues with Cash Manager or Bank Recon (if using one of those modules) if the EFTs are coming out of the same bank as physical checks. Just a heads up.
I highly recommend using Sandler Kahne's EBanking suite for Dynamics SL. They have a means of creating the check file using a unique # outside of APDOC. Product works great and their support is always dependable. Web site is sksoft.com
Another idea would be to use a different cash acct/sub combo. Each acct/sub combo uses it own range of check numbers.
Solomon determines the next available check number by looking at the APDoc table and selecting the highest refnbr for CK and HC documents and adding 1 to that. So, you are correct that using some sort of check number greater than you physical checks will confuse Solomon and you would have to enter the real next check number on the checks screen each time. Trying to use a bogus check number beginning with a letter will cause the same issue since letters sort after digits. What we do with my clients is to use check numbers below the paper check numbers for EFT entries and we use a number low enough that it is highly unlikely we will run into existed check numbers. So, for example, if your lowest retained check is check 004000 then use something like 001000 and up for your EFTs. Of course, this approach only works if you have some low numbers unused for actual checks. the only other approach that I have found is to use real high numbers and edit to the correct starting check number when printing physical checks. It is always a good idea to cross-check what Solomon thinks is the next available check number to what you really have available anyway because paper checks tend to get used for hand checks and not timely entered from time to time.
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