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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

How to email a custom entity record to Dynamics 365?

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Is it possible to send an email to Dynamics 365 such that when the mail is received it will create a new custom entity record?  

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  • Aric Levin Profile Picture
    Aric Levin 30,188 on at
    RE: How to email a custom entity record to Dynamics 365?

    One more thing to Michel's answer is that since you are going to want this to only run on emails that are received and not the ones that you send manually, add a condition if the email status reason = received. That will execute only on incoming emails and not outgoing emails.

    You should make this execute on the change of status reason trigger as well as on the create event to have more flexibility.

    Hope this helps.

  • Suggested answer
    Michel van den Brink Profile Picture
    Michel van den Brink 4,697 on at
    RE: How to email a custom entity record to Dynamics 365?

    Yes there are multiple ways.

    1. The least complex way with the most control is to create a Workflow that triggers on the Email entity.
      You can trigger Workflow on many different things, including when a record of a specific type gets created.
      1. To create a workflow, go to 'Process' in the 'Settings' area.
      2. Click 'New' and choose 'Workflow' as the Category and 'Email' as the entity
      3. Enable the Workflow to trigger on create

      4. In the Workflow designer, click 'Add Step' and choose 'Create Record' to create a record for you.
      5. Use the button 'Set Properties' in that step to enter values you need for the fields.

      6. Don't forget to activate your workflow
    2. A mode sophisticated way is using the Dynamics 365 system for automated record creation
      For this take a look at this article: 

      I would recommend you use this but, there's a lot more configuration involved.


    Hope this helps you get started. If you have any other questions, please let me know!

    If you found my answer helpful, please help the community by marking it as verified :-)

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