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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Workflows or Business Process Flows?

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Hi All,

I am looking for a bit of advice if possible, I have been asked to create a sample workflow within CRM but my not sure the best way to go about this.

They are looking for the following to have automation in, please let me know your thoughts on best way to tackle this:

1. Customer fills in a form stating they wish to join an event (form exists on custom entity currently)

2. Email then gets sent to specific owner stating a new form has been created

3. Task also gets created and assign to specific owner stating they have a new form to review

4. Information originally entered on the form from point 1 now needs to be created as a new event on the event entity

5. Confirmation email to originating customer on point 1. clarifying details confirmed along with event details such as name, dates and fees etc..

Appreciate it may be a bit complex but not sure which way to go about this at the moment so any help greatly appreciated!



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  • Verified answer
    Kokulan Profile Picture
    Kokulan 18,050 on at
    RE: Workflows or Business Process Flows?


    Business Process Flow is only for providing Guided UI experience and also performing some actions or running workflows when the go through the Registration form for the event.

    You could still create a Business Process Flow and make the user experience of Filling In the Form much nicer.

    And then have a workflow that triggers once the user saves the form or submits by ticking a checkbox or radio button.

    If Point 2-5 can happen one after another without waiting all of these could be included in one workflow.

    But if you want any of the points to only happen after lets say the task is completed, then you can create a waiting workflow as well.

    Hope this helps

  • Verified answer
    Rawish Kumar Profile Picture
    Rawish Kumar 13,756 on at
    RE: Workflows or Business Process Flows?

    Its very much what workflow is made for.

    I would recommend , you first some time playing/reading around with workflows and their usage.

    I am sure you will be able to accomplish everything stated above.

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