I'm trying to figure out how I can extract a list that would tell me qty and Entry No_ that were applied to some entry in the Item Ledger.
Let's say I use FIFO and purchase 10 of an item creating Entry No. 1, I then purchase more 20 at entry no. 2, resulting in 30. Now I sell 20 of this item resulting in Entry No.3, so I'd like to extract a report where I could for example know that I specify Entry no 3, and I would be able to see all associated entries on it( in this case 10 of entry 1 and 10 of entry 2).
I know I can do that manually from the Application Worksheet / Looking at the Applied Entries, but I need to look a very long list, I also didn't find any table on the SQL server for the Applied Entries, so I could query it. I also have the Jet report tool but didn't have luck.
Any ideas?