Hi all,
I created this trigger for a PriceDiscTable BusinessEvent based on the event "onInserted".
[DataEventHandler(tableStr(PriceDiscTable), DataEventType::Inserted)]
public static void PriceDiscTable_onInserted(Common sender, DataEventArgs e)
PriceDiscTable priceDiscTable = sender as PriceDiscTable;
adPriceDiscTableBE businessEvent = adPriceDiscTableBE::newFromPriceDiscTable(priceDiscTable);
So far, so good. BUT the Code is not executed, because a flight skips the events (and datamethods)
public class PriceDiscTableCopyFromPriceDiscAdmTrans extends SysQueryInsertRecordSet
protected final Common initTargetCursor()
PriceDiscTable priceDiscTableInsert;
return priceDiscTableInsert;
What did I try until now?
- CoC (doesnt help much, because of hookable:false or final method etc.)
- searching for a toggle class
- a killswitch class
- looking for the flight in the features (while debugging, I could see that is was "treated" like a feature(?))
At this point I am lost :D
Can anybody help with this? It must be something new with the PU56, because it worked at the beginning of the year.
thanks in advance
Hi Efthi,
It is recommended that you open a case in support, you will need to provide a business reason why this needs to be disable it.
Best Regards,
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
Most Valuable Professional