We use the Bank Reconciliation module to do our bank recs. Essentially we can never get the adjusted book balance to tie to the GL. This has been an ongoing problem for sometime. For the past 18 months or so I have been comparing the trial balance for our cash account to the checkbook balance inquiry....checking every single transaction! Sometimes I can figure out what transaction is causing the problem. Sometimes I can't. Sometimes both reports match and there is still a difference! This month I was able to check off EVERY transaction on both reports and the adj book balance was still off by $40.17!
Any thoughts? B/c this is driving me insane! Not to mention the auditors who are none to pleased with this bank rec system. I know some of the ways that can cause this issue, but, thought some of you could enlighten me. Or, should I be happy that we're off by such small amounts? I'm hoping its not the latter b/c that doesn't create warm fuzzies for this accountant!!!
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