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Run a flow in a model driven app

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I am using the education accelerator in Dynamics 365. We have a course section entity that I want to be able to run a flow from so I can populate an attendance table. My question is how can I trigger a flow within the course section form for that entity and also grab the course section id of the current record? Ideally I want to manually run this flow via a button. 

  • CU16050457-0 Profile Picture
    CU16050457-0 2 on at
    Run a flow in a model driven app
    Data storage is more crucial than ever because of the increase in data-driven online activities. 
  • CU02050725-0 Profile Picture
    CU02050725-0 16 on at
    Run a flow in a model driven app
    I tried to find the answer through the Chat GPT and he gave a way through JavaScript, you can ask him that. Once I needed to submit a report and I also searched for help on the Internet. Most often I used as this is the best resource for this in my opinion. Maybe there you will find help for yourself. Education is really the most important thing in our life. So I'm glad that so many people are learning and looking for new ways.
  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Run a flow in a model driven app


    It's recommended not to use it but there is no good alternatives.

  • RyeTeacher Profile Picture
    RyeTeacher 163 on at
    RE: Run a flow in a model driven app

    Is it a best practice to not use depreciated triggers? Do you think they will be replacing it with another trigger?

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Run a flow in a model driven app


    Eventually, it will be deprecated. But there is no other way to call power automate flows at the moment.

  • RyeTeacher Profile Picture
    RyeTeacher 163 on at
    RE: Run a flow in a model driven app

    Thank you, I was able to see the connector. What does it mean that it is legacy, will this eventually be going away?

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Run a flow in a model driven app


    Check this post -

    It's quite accurate with one thing to change - when you create a new Flow use "Dataverse (legacy)" connector and "On record select" trigger. Once your flow is published in a few minutes you should see it in the list of "on demand" flows in Dataverse interface.

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