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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

How do I import cash receipts and apply to specific invoices in Integration manager?

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I want to import cash receipts and apply them to specific invoice numbers, but I am getting warnings that "Apply-to document (invoice #) had problems saving."  The cash receipt is importing but it isn't applying.

I have followed the example of the sample RM Cash Receipts integration, but it seems to have errors in it.  On the 'Cash Apply' options, it is set to 'Auto Apply' rather than look at a source file.  When this option is chosen it auto applies based on document date, and doesn't apply to the invoice you have specified.

I setup a new integration.  There is only one txt delimited file, however I have created two 'sources' from it - one for the main cash receipt import, and one for the Cash Apply import.  I only want to apply one invoice to each cash receipt.

I have setup the 'Cash Apply' mappings as below

Apply-To Document Number = source field - invoice number

Apply-To Document Type = Constant - Sales/Invoices

Apply-To Amount = Source field - payment amount

Can anybody advise what I am getting the errors "Apply-to document (invoice #) had problems saving."?

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  • Loan Nguyen Profile Picture
    Loan Nguyen 305 on at
    RE: How do I import cash receipts and apply to specific invoices in Integration manager?

    That's wonderful news!  

  • zyndba Profile Picture
    zyndba 65 on at
    RE: How do I import cash receipts and apply to specific invoices in Integration manager?

    Hi Loan -

    I would like to thank you for all of your extra help in the forum and also offline through email. I have been able to get this working by using the Lockbox Entry add-on.

  • Suggested answer
    zyndba Profile Picture
    zyndba 65 on at
    RE: How do I import cash receipts and apply to specific invoices in Integration manager?

    Hi Soma -

    This is how I initially tried to set it up. Apparently we have a very high volume of apply documents in GP. What was happening is the integration timed out when trying to access the apply screen. Even though I went into the .ini file and changed the timeout to 60, it still threw the error message. Fortunately we have a Add-on product called Lockbox Entry. I was able to use this to configure and now I can integrate and apply to multiple invoices with no errors. It works great.


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How do I import cash receipts and apply to specific invoices in Integration manager?

    Nice work Soma!

    I do not need that for my integration at the moment, but I am sure a lot of people will benefit from your procedure.

  • Suggested answer
    soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,410 on at
    RE: How do I import cash receipts and apply to specific invoices in Integration manager?

    I have successfully created a single Cash Receipt with applying to multiple open invoices through Integration Manager. Please follow below steps.

    1. In Integration Manager, define a new source "Cash Receipt Apply" and add it to the RM Cash Receipt Source section.

    2. Create a new input source file with 4 columns(Apply From Doc Number, Apply To Doc Number, Apply To DocType and Apply To Amt) and map it to the Cash Receipt Apply source.

    3. Click Query Relationship to map Cash Receipt Header.DocNumber-->Cash Receipt Apply.Apply From Doc Number)

    4. Then open the Destination Mapping and click the Cash Apply.

    5. Go to option pane and choose "Record Source" as "Use Source RecordSet" then choose the 3rd source(Cash Receipt Apply).

    6. Then click the filed section to map the followings.

      Apply To Doc --> Cash Receipt Apply. Apply To Doc

      Apply To Doc Type --> Cash Receipt Apply. Apply To DocType

      Apply Entire Amount --> Use Constant "TRUE"

      Apply To Amount --> Cash Receipt Apply. Apply To Amount

    7. Finally save and click run button to create a Cash Receipt with applying to multiple invoices mentioned from the 3rd source file.

    Please let me know if you have any queries regarding the same.

    Hope this helps!!!

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How do I import cash receipts and apply to specific invoices in Integration manager?


    If you notice on the example that I posted I actually splitted the receipt in 2, giving each one an individual ID (64020a and 64020b)

    I different alternative I've never tried will be leaving a single header line, and add multiple distribution lines, but I have never tried that and I do not know it that is going to work.


  • soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,410 on at
    RE: How do I import cash receipts and apply to specific invoices in Integration manager?


    If you pass two line of records in header file, it will try to create two cash receipt and thorough a error "Document Number" Already Exist. This will not create a single cash receipt with applying to multiple invoices.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How do I import cash receipts and apply to specific invoices in Integration manager?

    So, this is a simple example.

    Client 123 owes 2 invoices:

    - I250 for $10

    -I132 for $25

    Client 123 makes a payment for $35 and the receipt number for that is 64020.

    This is how you need to export the payment:

    On the Header File:

    Client ID Payment Type Amount Date Receipt Number Apply To Invoice Batch Id Checkbook ID Card ID

    123 cash 10 18052014 64020a I250 CR18/05/2014

    123 cash 25 18052014 64020b I132 CR18/05/2014

    On the Distribution Lines File

    GL Account Dist Type Debit Amt Credit Amt Batch Id Doc Number Apply To Inv

    10000-00-000-000 Cash 10 CR18/05/2014 64020a I250

    11000-00-000-000 Recv 10 CR18/05/2014 64020a I250

    10000-00-000-000 Cash 25 CR18/05/2014 64020b I132

    11000-00-000-000 Recv 25 CR18/05/2014 64020b I132

    Hope this helps

  • Loan Nguyen Profile Picture
    Loan Nguyen 305 on at
    RE: How do I import cash receipts and apply to specific invoices in Integration manager?

    Hi Zendba,

    Here is my email address –    Can you send me a couple of lines sample in Excel file.  I’ll create the files that you need and send back some screen shot also.  You don’t need the Cash Apply file – the cash application field should be on the CR Header file.


    Loan Nguyen

  • StefanieC Profile Picture
    StefanieC 434 on at
    RE: How do I import cash receipts and apply to specific invoices in Integration manager?

    Actually, I spoke about both distribution and apply.  But call it whatever you want.  I'll get away of the way so you can help with the correct terminology.

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